This has been a very eye opening semester for me. I really enjoyed this class a lot. I found the Monday night lectures to be very beneficial. It is always nice to do something out of the ordinary, as opposed to sitting in a classroom reading out of a textbook. Jim did a very good job making everything interesting. At the beginning of the semester I was skimming through my Woolfolk text, and I was just dreading the class because a lot of the reading was very boring. Jim made everything interesting, and I liked how he took different theories and applied them to everyday life. I like teachers who do that. It helps me immensely, because I tend to struggle when we do a lot of reading from the textbook in other classes, because I need a little more explanation than the text can offer. I never got bored in class either. I don't think I have had a class like that yet. :) This class has been such a great experience, and it has only made me more excited about becoming a teacher. I have already learned so many things from this class, and I know I will be using them in my classroom. :)